Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2016

Pillowfort (my little awesome cave)

Hey guys! I brought my grandma to her therapeutic sessions for the next days and enjoyed a small drink with my dad around lunch. Actually I wanted to go a bit shopping today too, but I didn´t, because I had a to be home for an appointment. That was also the reason, why I didn´t make the photos I actually planned for today, but it turned out that I made something way more awesome. I´ve been thinking about my childhood for a few months already and realised that one of the things I miss most is being creative in a childish way. With that I mean running around in the garden or on a playground, climbing on trees for no reason, playing with little cars or figures for hours, making a teaparty for fairies and stuff like that. So therefore I have a new list with things I gotta do more often. To start with this list today I built my own magical pillowfort/cave. I´m so exited about that and really proud that it turned out so great. Hope you like to! If you try to make something like that for yourself , please send me pictures! I´d love to see your ideas. Have a nice evening and feel hugged. XOXO

Tadaaaaa! Small, comfy and awesome!
Basically I used some blankets, pillows, plushies and a broomstick, together with some garland lights.
I got this one wiht the glowing roses for Christmas and hung it above my entrance on the broomstick.
Of cause I need a candlelight atmosphere and some good books to read in my cave.
And yes, also my laptop and some water to drink.
To actually have light inside my cave I used a brighter garland from my grandma and clipped it to one blanket.
And voíla, good way to spent the evening alone at home!

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