Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

Back in Hamburg (with my sis)

Hey guys! So today we did a lot but it was really fun and we had really good weather here. We went shopping and found some nice things (gonna show you during the next days) and also got myself a bigger mirror finally from IKEA. After that we made small break and went through my closet to actually get together some outfits for little me. Later in the evening we also took a look at Elbenwald (what else?) and GameStop. Some time in the big store Saturn where bought totally different things we actually looked fore. Wanted to get a new phone and TV screen and went out with a Wonder Woman button. Yep, that´s how it works. So now we are through and tired and can´t stop talking, so we try to go to bed...who knows, maybe we just fall asleep in the middle of the sentence. Sure that this happend to some of you to. So sleep tight and dream well.

My sis just got the best fashion style ever!
Alice and wonderland and batman...she can do it!
The proof: we had nice weather.
And sunshine!
Yes, until the evening hours to be honest.
We saw this pretty guy in Saturn.
And this cute fellow in a store, where you can make your own
teddy bear...yes we are more than temped.
Don´t ask...this is just a goose.

Hitting the road again

Oh well to be honest, there ist not much I can tell you about yesterday. Didn´t sleep a lot, got stressed with packing my bags and so on, spent most of the day in trains, felt bad about leaving my grandma and my dad in Austria as I was heading back to Hamburg and had way to much to carry like always. At least I got my lil´sis here to actually look forward to coming back here. So here I am. Tadaa!

Took at least one nice photo. Yey!

Last day in croatia

Hey guys! You wouldn´t believe it but the last day was...strange. The weather was still fine and sunny and wonderful as we took the boat to the shipwreck "Lina" at Cres. We got dressed and grabbed our stuff before we hopped into the water. My buddy luckily had no big troubles with her ears this time, so we even got some time left down under to take a closer look at the wreck and even dive inside it. Oh I love that so much! Actually I planned to show you some underwarter photos around the last day here, but that didn´t turn out so well planned, because the others couldn´t give me there shots yet. But maybe I´ll get them soon to show them to you anyway. After we got back to the surface we had big waves and clouds and wind and to cut a long story short...it was exhausting in the end until we managed to climb onto the boat and get back to the harbour. Anyway it war a great last day and with the harsh weather change it turned out to be at least a bit easier to leave. Hope to get back soon of cause! Is there a holiday destination you want to go back very badly? Let me know in the comments.

Relaxing on the boat...perfect!
Observing the others as they look for a good spot during the boat
trip...really funny.
The view you get, while riding the waves...wonderful.
Being dressed all comfy and summerlike...great!
Awaiting us to arrive and finally getting into the water with all our
equipment...without words.
This is where we headed back after our dive. Actually I could imagine living there.
In the car. Back on the road. Rain, clouds and wind. I don´t want to leave, as always.
But like I said..at least it made things a bit easier.

Samstag, 28. Mai 2016

Summertime photos from croatia

Hey guys! Wow I am really tired right now. We made many dives today and it was just awesome. Had a lot of fun and saw really great fish and a cute black seahorse. Didn´t eat that much today, but I totally need to drink more water again. Also enjoyed a yummy cone full with delicious cookie ice cream and even took a minute to make some nice shots for you. I hope to make more great ones before we leave tomorrow. But first we will go to a shipwreck tomorrow in the morning...aaah this will be so awesome! Feel hugged. xoxo

As you see the water was very calm today, so it was great for diving.
Oh my inner mermaid is so undescribable happy here!
One day I´ll take the time to make a proper mermaid shooting.
The water was not really clear today,  but still beautiful.
And told you that I got nice shots on my short walk today, right?
This is what it looks like, when there are many people on a smaller
diving base and you still need to hang up your equipment to get it dry.
Oh and my delicious cookie ice cream....even got a cookie on top!

Freitag, 27. Mai 2016

Colour-combination made by the ocean

Hey guys! Well today I didn´t have much time for making proper photos, but tomorrow will be better, I promise. But what really caught my attention today was the colours in the water as you looked beneath the surface. This interesting green, together with the turkoise and the dark blue...amazing. Not to forget the browns and greys of the rocks above and beneath the waterline. And I also started to take a closer look to some of the flowers here, just because they all seem so very exotic. Oh it feels so good to be here! More pictures coming up tomorrow! Hope you like them so far.

I tried to capture those birds on the rock surrounded by water, but
with my camera lense, this is the best I could do.
Most of my shots today, looked like this and this is my daily favorite.
Damn look at these colours...aren´t they gorgeous?!
And you know, you can find here flowers like this. So beautiful and exotic!

Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2016

First day by the sea

Aaaaaah it feels so amazingly good to be back by the ocean! I love it. I feel good and even things that might get on my nerves usually, don´t bother me at all here. Just feel good and happy. Things got in move a bit slow today, but that´s not a problem. We were diving twice and even though both dives seemed to be a bit stressful, it was still wonderful to dive again. Yes, really think that I will love to go diving for my whole life. Oh and the sunny weather, it is warm, there are not so many people yet, I can spent time with my dad. It´s great. Got some of my favourite shots of today for you. Hope you like them. Feel hugged. xoxo

Jep, the water is still cold, but we dive with neopren, so everything
is fine, and we can enjoy the clear water.
Sometimes I look after my lil´brother for a few minutes. He also likes it very much here so we have fun together.
Oh and he wore those pants today....love them!
You know this small harbourtown doesn´t seem like much, but it is simply beautiful here.
I really intend to get a bit tanned here. Wish me luck!
Oh the houses and the stairs...
...exhausting, but so beautiful.
Of cause we need small refreshments in between, beside a lot of water to keep us hydrated very well.
Oh some of us enjoyed a fresh fish right from the small harbour for dinner. Really good and worth the money.
And with a smooth sunset the day ended for now.

Arriving in croatia

Hey guys! Well yesterday got more stressful, than planned, but it was still great. I accompanied my dad and some other of the Khevenhüller Guards at the transfer of command of the Jagdkommando 25 from lieutenant colonel Klein to the former major Raszer. And this occasion turned out to be really great, glad I went there, we even saw four parachutist. For lunch I stayed with my grandma and packed up my stuff for the long weekend and my trip back to Hamburg next week. In the afternoon my dad picked me up and we headed off to croatia with the others (student divers). Still feel so happy, that my dad thought of me for that. It just feels the best, to spent time with him down by the sea and diving. So hope your week started good, stays good and ends in an awesome weekend. Feel hugged.

My favourite fishertown in croatia.

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2016


Hey guys! Well I spent most of my day on the train again and well...slept a lot, watched a movie, read a book for archaeology and stuff like that. So there is not much I could show you today, so why not share my last favourite sketches with you? It seems like my creativity finally comes back, so what do you think of my lastest work? Hope you like them. Feel hugged.

I really like skulls with hair and flowers, not sure why, but I do.
Oh have you seen the short films of overwatch?
If no, take a look on YouTube! It totally inspired me.
So here I made my own young version of Hanzo.
Well yes, I always like native inspiration.
And some of you know, that I started with playing guitar, right?
So I also tried to draw something acordingly.

Montag, 23. Mai 2016

Graveyard Niendorf

Oh right I almost forgot to show you those. I found this actually quite nice graveyard near the park in Niendorf. Even thought about making some photos there, but the thing is  I don´t feel so good in places like that. But take a look at the photos and let me know what you tink. Would you like to see a shooting there? And if yes, what kind of photos would you like to see?

Especially this mausoleum caught my attention.
Well those angles on graveyards are always...creepy and cool.
There are also some really nice trees and flowers.
Like it said...it caught my attention.
Oh and how the light broke through all this nature...beautiful.

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

Forest fairy (and editing program)

Wow guys! I just found an editing program on my laptop. Gotta know, my precious uploaded itself to Windows 10 without my permission and I just went along with it now. It is not faster or better or anything, just different. But now I found this program and decided to try it. Got an idea for a fairytale and fairy photoshooting and tested some poses and stuff, now I also tried some effects of my new program. Please let me know what you think about the results in the comments! Would be a big help!

Creating warmer colours.
Make the colours seem more bright.
(only fhing missing here are fairy wings)
Playing with blurrs, colours and contrast.

Forest flowers

Oh and yes I still can´t resist to take some photos of nice flowers now and then. Maybe it´s about the close up, the capturing of details you actually don´t pay much attention to, that gets me so hard. It is a kind of intensity you try to catch in photos like this. And sometimes it even translates a special atmosphere you couldn´t explain properly. What about you? Do you like flower photos or close ups in general? Or do you think they are boring? Let me know in the comments.

Forget me not...such pretty, meaningful little flowers, I really like them.
And well, aren´t yellow flowers always full of sunshine somehow?
Elderflower juice is so delicious and refreshing in summer, but we have to admit, that the flowers themselves are also nice.