Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

Canoeing and kajaking

Well I have to admit, that I was really worried about getting in contact with my new neighbours here, for that I am not so good in making new friends. It is not difficult for me to talk to people and be nice and even funny sometimes, but to actually get in contact and make friends...well that´s hard. So I was even more surprised as my neighbour here invited me to a small canoeing tour with his friends. That was so nice of him, and he propably doesn´t realize how thankful I was for that opportunity. Of cause I said yes and we went canoeing last monday (by the way, little me took the kajak instead, so the other four could use one canoe instead of two). It was so amazing, we had good weather, this international group of great people (from Iran, Vietnam and USA) were super friendly and we had lots of fun during these few hours. After we got back I even went to eat Kebab with the guys. It was a lot for one day (for me) but I am so glad that I went there and would repeat that any time again.

Still decided to dress warm, what was a really good idea.
We also took small breaks in between to rest our arms.
And all those spots were so beautiful like here.
Most of the time I tried to stay behind them, because I had no idea
where to go and don´t wanted to be in the way while making photos.
Aww and look who passed me by. There were actually a lot of small baby ducks around that day.
This little hous just caught my attention as we paddled by it.
Oh there was this one channel that was covered in green, trees, bushes, everything, it felt so awesome!
Sometimes I really got the feeling of being lara croft or something.
Strange, I know, but it was fun!
And in the end we really had sunny weather and amazingly nice views of Hamburg.

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