Sonntag, 22. Mai 2016

Magical forest (Niendorf, Hamburg, Germany)

Hey guys! So the last three posts for this weekend before we hopefully get back to regular daily posts again. I even got some nice new ideas that I hope will turn out as good as planned so I can share them with you later on. Hope your weekend was nice and relaxing. I didn´t sleep so well last nights so tried to train more instead, but now my body hurts a lot. Anyway what you can always do, to slow yourself down and get calm again is taking a nice walk. You don´t even have to run or make exercises, just go for a nice long walk and liste to nature or music. My favourite place for relaxing is beside the harbour and "miami beach" this pretty forest I´ve already shown you a while ago. During the last weeks I´ve been there sometimes, not actually to take pictures, but really just for walking around. This really works well for me if my body is to hurt or tired for more training. But like I am, couldn´t resist to take some photos the last time. So hope you like them as much as I do. Enjoy your sunday and feel hugged.

This is where I enter the forest from the bus station.
And here you actually enter the forest area.
It is also allowed to bring your dog and let it run free.
There are many big trees and who know, maybe I´ll try to climb
onto one of them during summer. When was the last time
you climbed on a tree? I did that so often as a child.
It feels so good to walk upon those paths with all the green and light.
I got more than once the feeling, that I found a magical place.
You know it would be also nice to make a small forest party here.
Get some drinks, snacks an blankets and meet with friends.
Really need to make some photoshootings here. Are there any special ones you would like to see?
The only thing missing for me is a pond or lake or something.
All I found was this...leftover from the rain.
Oh but I also found one of those tents again. Think they are so cool!
I think as a kid you wouldn´t get me out of here again.
But really, try to take a walk somewhere, when you get the feeling that everything becomes to much for your head.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Love this forest, too :) Well, we had choir practise all day ... thankfully with two long-ish breaks where we could sit outside in the sun. Hope you sleep better, soon! Huggles!!!Katy

    1. It is sooo beautiful there! Thanks for showing me!
      Oh good, at least you got some breaks, enjoying the sun is always important^^
      Hope so to. Hugs!
