Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

Using a wonderful weather

Hey guys! Guess what, we had a really warm, sunny, wonderful day. What did I do? No, this time I sat in no train or car for the whole day, I used this pretty weather as much as I could. So after I got up I had a small breakfast in the sun while chatting with some of my dearest friends, ate some good snacks and put together some outfits for halloween I wanted to show you. And as it got warmer and warmer outside I started to take photos of mentioned outfits and confused our neighbours and like everyone who passed by. It was fun. Then I wanted to take a walk and used that motivation to get dressed up and grabbed my camera to go on an adventure. Indeed I did, wearing the totally wrong shoes I walked all the way down to the river Inn and struggled through high grass, over uneven ground, through low trees and across hidden stones, untile I found a nice little beach. There I took some photos and then enjoyed the water, the sun and the feeling, that all this created in me. As I got back home I finished my DIY what took more time than I thought, but it was worth it (you´ll see it tomorrow). So now that the potos finally finished uploading, I will show you as fast as I can. Until then I wish you a wonderful evening. Feel hugged. xoxo

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