Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

Bodo Wartke concert

Oh guys! We went to the Bodo Wartke concert yesterday evening and it was so amazingly great. This musician is really great, he is smart, knows how to use the right words, makes great melodies, uses a lot of old school style and is, what some might call, a real gentelman. I can just say, that I love almost all of his songs (not so into sad ones) and I hope I´ll get the chance to see him again live, maybe next year. You should defenitely check him out. Down here I´ve got some YouTube links with my favorite songs and two pictures with more links (to his website and to his online shop).

Meine neue Freundin / My new girlfriend

Architektur in Deutschland / Architecture in Germany

Regen / Rain

Liebeslied in allen Sprachen / Multilingual Lovesong

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