Mittwoch, 18. November 2015

Sketches I made lately

Hey guys! Hope you feel a bit more up to date again. I am working on some more ideas already for next week and the weekend. Please, don´t be irritated if I miss a post during the next three days,  but this weekend my dad and big sister got their birthday and it will be high life, if you know what I mean. Anyway I´ll do my very best as you know. So far I´ve made some drawings in my all time companion (diary and sketch book) that I really wanted to share with you. Hope  you like them as much as I do and I´ve got the feeling, that there will follow some more soon. I am totally into drawing again, what is quite a relief somehow. So with that I wish you a wonderful night, sweet dreams and sleep tight. Feel hugged. XOXO

Got inspired by

Made this after the games convention in Essen, Germany.
I´ve told you about the bad weather during october. And now? It´s november and we have 19 degrees outside.
It is odd, but I still kinda love it. Not such a winter type as you know.
Yep,this was after book convention in Frankfurt, Germany.
My Halloween sketch: Frankenstein´s bride (young, pretty bride)

Well you might have recognized, that the sketch with the cat ears
looks much clearer, that´s because it´s the only one I already
finished with my ball pen instead of pencil.

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