Freitag, 12. Februar 2016

Problems and ideas

Hey guys! Yes the technical problems struck again. I almost went crazy through out the week, because everytime I try to upload my photos my internet connection crushes down. And even when I managed to upload them after hours, the programm didn´t let me edit my posts before showing them to you on my blog. So that´s why I didn´t post again for the last few days. Again I am very sorry for that! Hopefully a good friend of mine will have some time to fix that over the weekend (if possible).

So another annoying aspect of last week was the bad weather. It was very cold and windy and the last days were dominated by rain or light snow. Beside organizing a lot I started with some DIYs I hope to show you next week (couldn´t finish them yet). Also I thought about some inspired outfit ideas and I got some nice ideas for upcoming valentine´s day. To start with a small sneakpeak I want to show you the these two items I found lately at H&M. Some of you might know, that I really like the Star Wars movies, so the design of these two just caught my attention. Below I also got an image from the limited edition from the Star Wars make up line Covergirl. Personally I am not so into make up, but I like the inspiration. So hope to give you more and more posts in future again. Feel hugged. XOXO

Nerdy or girly?
To be honest, I couldn´t say, but I like the galaxy pattern with the
silver sequins that say "Star Wars", they just match really good.
For me it is a bit to much pink and rosé, but I´d know some, who
would like it just the way it is.
To tell the truth I couldn´t pass this one. Saw it, tried it on, loved it,
had to buy it. Here got the movie title written with sequins again.
I like the darker style and if there are still enough clothes in my closet
I could even put together some outfit idaes for you.
(I am moving soon, so almost everything is packed already)
Here the image from Covergirl. Wouldn´t wear the make up like this, but as I told the inspiration.

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