Montag, 8. Dezember 2014

Drinks (warm or cold)

Hey guys. I met an old friend today and took a look through my old files again and found something I wanted to share with you. Last summer I found some drinks I tried to do myself.. You can make them refreshing cold or in a warm form if you want to. In the next few days I´ll Show you a very very delicious hot chocolate drink! I hope you enjoy these three drinks for starters. xoxo
So let´s get started:


300 ml Blacktea
3 lemons
1 Liter water
50 g sugar

Make the tea and let it freeze in the fridge in one of those icecube forms.
Squeeze two lemons and mix them with the water (warm/cold).
Fill the liquid in a jug and slice up the last lemon,
put the slices together with the tea-icecubes in the jug


500 ml rhubarb juice (Rhababersaft)
500 ml apple juice
250 g blueberries
500 ml water

Wash the berries and mix them up with the Juices.
Now you can either let them cool down in the fridge for an hour and ad the water,
or you let them stand for half an hour and ad hot water.

1 liter cherry juice
100 ml elderflower syrup (Holunderblüten)
3 stalks lemon balm (Stiele Zitronenmelisse)
250 g sweet cherries
500 ml water

Wash the lemon balm and mix it up with the juice and the syrup.
Halve and core the cherries and put them into the liquid.
Now you can put your mix for an hour into your fridge and ad cold water before you serve it,
or you let it stand for half an hour and ad hot water.

Icetea with lemons.

Blueberry bowl.

Cherry bowl.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Good god I wanna try the cherry bowl *-* it looks so delicious^^~♡

    1. Haha do it. It is delicious! You can also try it with strawberries. I love those drinks^^ Also very very good when you´re stressed.^^

  2. Great that I know what I have to drink from now on XD
