Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2015

Ice skating

Oh gosh guys! I almost forgot to show you those pictures here. Last saturday my dad, stepmom and lil´brother went ice skating with me. I love ice skating. It is fun, it won´t get too cold, your body gets action and you can make short breaks to drink tea or snack some sweets or talk to those, who just sit beside the ice and already enjoy their cup of tea. Well we just took a few photos, because we had so much fun and it got dark very early. Hope you like them anyway. Feel hugged. XOXO

Oh the sunset covered everything in this beautiful light for some
minutes, it was really great.

I finally could use my new ice skating shoes properly.
My brother´s smaller ones. Which colour do like more? The classic white ones or the basic dark ones?
Oh and I finally got my "blades" sharpened again.

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