Dienstag, 15. September 2015

Crêpes (learning day in Klagenfurt)

Hey guys! Oh gosh I was sleeping almost all day. Yesterday I had my first working day at a little cute Crêpes stand in Klagenfurt. At the moment we have there the "Herbstmesse", a big festival with amusementpark-attractions and corporations, who present their new products and projects. A friend of my aunt is running this stand and sells freshly made Crêpes with delicious ingredients. Gonna work there over the weekend to help her with all the yummy snacks she gotta make for the masses of people, who gonna come. It will be quite stressing, exhausting and loud, but my first day was so funny and great (and you know, that I love to learn new things) that I really want to help out. Maybe I´m gonna make a DIY baking tutorial with my favorit ones for you in the next few week. We´ll see. Now feel hugged and have a nice evening. xoxo

Until now this is my hot favorite: Crêpe with chocolate and banana. So yummy!!!
To be honest it is actually simple to make some but you gotta have
the feeling and gentle hands to make them right and pretty. And
that´s what you gotta learn first, but I think I did quite well, otherwise
she wouldn´t let me come again to work for her.
So if you are in Klagenfurt at this festival come to us!
Enface de Autodrom. Face to face with the Autodrom.

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