Samstag, 19. September 2015

Crêperie in Klagenfurt

Hey guys! Sorry that I didn´t post for you yesterday, but I was really tired after work. Working in a amusement park making crêpes ´till late at night is hard but also really fun. You meet many nice people, I´ve learned some great new recipes, there is music everywhere and the colourful lights and so on. I like it very much to work there and I wanted to show you what it´s like there, so here are some nice shots of yesterday. Hope you like them and maybe you can come by, would be fun. So wish you a nice day. Feel hugged. XOXO

This is the stand I work at with my Chef.
Oh I so like this french design.
My usual working area also for the next two days until sunday. So many yummy things.
My view from the door. It is so great, you gotta know there is an
attraction next to us that creats a great wind so we never feel to hot
even with our hot plates right in front of us.
My boss put this cute metal plate behind one of our glas "Windows".
Really thinking about trying this one in my break.
Oh yes sometimes we really have strange guests...but it´s fun.
And this is the stand during night...soooo pretty!!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey if you want to get a yummy Crêpe in Graz you can get a chance. From 26.09 until 05.10 (I guess) is there a similar festival. So look out for this cute stand to get a delicious Snack!
