Montag, 24. November 2014

Winter time at Primark

Hey guys! Just realised we only have to wait this week. Next week on monday starts DEZEMBER and with this CHRISTMAS TIME. Oh I´m so excited. There are so many things I want to Show you and I hope I´ll find the time to make some DIY Projects for you. First I found a lot of cute things for the cold Christmas time you might like. So enoy.

A fluffy, really warm overall in grey with cute little owls for
really cold winterdays at home, found at Primark.

You feel the american-christmas-sweater-way?
Here you go, again at Primark.

If you want to carry a bit of christmas/winter spirit with you,
try one or more of these handycases from Primark.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Sweet.
    Hoffe da gibt's auch große pullis zum reinkuscheln.XD

    1. Hey there, thanks for your comment!
      So sweet
      Sweaters? Oh yes, big, fluffy and awsome! From themes like christmas, over casual to batman and other merchandise :-)

    2. You are welcome ^^
      What other merchandise? (ฅ'ω'ฅ)♪

    3. Well I just found that awsome store about two months ago and I´m sure I still haven´t seen all of it. But until now I found a lot of shirts and great sweaters from Disney, Marvel, DC Comics, bands like Pink Floyd, Ramones, ACDC and similar, at the moment they also have a lot with Coca Cola (very happy about that^^) and somethimes they also have movie know like shirts from Harry Potter, Friends, Pixar and so on. Last time I also found a Bambi sweater, just the perfect christmas gift for my cousin.
      And of course you also find socks, underwear, accessoires and things like that with the matching themes XD

  2. Cool. ^^ Then I'm gonna look for it. Great that they have one of these stores here in Berlin^^~
