Montag, 15. Juni 2015

Shopping tour (C&A, New Yorker, Mister and Lady)

Hey guys! Well I hope you had a nice day. Here it rained the whole day and actually I don´t like such days, but today it was a quite good one. And this kinda makes "day" my word of the day! Haha! Anyway I had to write my essay (yes again...well still) and hardly left my room or bed so I won´t get distracted. In fact it helped a little bit, I´m almost done and believe me: If someone ever tells you that writing essays is easy and fun...Do not believe this person! This person fools you, fools you bad! Yes, I don´t like writing essays at all. I love archaeology and learning new stuff, but I hate going to university and studying all the time. With this rainy day, it would have been perfect to just stay in bed, watching movies, cuddlíng and eating tons of popcorn or chinese food. Yes, this is my idea of turning up on a rainy day. I hope I´m not the only one. Maybe I´ll make a "Bad-day-Special" during the next few weeks. Let´s see. But of course I didn´t want to show you my messy studying room/bed, so I raised some photos from the last two weeks out of my nice-things-collection. Lately the clothing stores go crazy with Disney items, so I took a look for you and this post wouldn´t be completed without some summer items. So here you go, hope you like them. Feel hugged. XOXO

Female villian shirts from Mister and Lady.

Female villian shirts from New Yorker. (Got me the right  one)

Disney´s Ariel shirts from New Yorker.
I was really tempted, but I got myself something else.
Gonna show you in the next few days.

Cute summer totebags from C&A, just in case if someone is still looking
for a beach bag or something.

Okay actually I don´t wear bags/purses like those, but you gotta admit, they are awsome.
I like the ones in the half watermelon style best. Found them at C&A too.

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