Freitag, 19. Juni 2015

My hunter outfit from Kufstein

Oh guys, sorry that I didn´t write yesterday for you, but it was such a stressful day. I had to visit my professor to remind him of my essay and the presetation next tuesday (what he almost forgot). Then I looked for the customer servic of several travel agencies, because I´d like to go to Wales for two weeks with my BF and his family. But you´ll get another post for that. As I recognized I didn´t show you my cool outfit I wore at the medieval festival at Kufstein. So here you go, hope you like it as much as I did. Feel hugged. XOXO

H&M: shoes, legwarmers, thights
C&A: skaterskirt, sweater
EMP: leathercorsage
Medieval markets over the years:
belts, bag, tail, red guggle, necklaces
and a selfmade fighting blade from iFrankenstein

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