Freitag, 20. März 2015

Primark did it again..

Well it was a long but good day. Birthday breakfast for grandma, cleaning up my room, get some boxes for my stuff when I move. Then I got to the city and met a friend. We are making a movie´s night with yummy food and nice movies...of course. To get some sun, we went through the city and I found some awesome shirts again. Wish you a nice evening. Feel hugged. xoxo
The incredible hulk and minion power.

Superman and Batman.

Minion Party, Little miss sunshine and gay my Little Pony.

Minion, Gotham City, Spongebob and Garfield.

Wrestling, Mickey and Rolling Stones.

Marvel Sweater.

Superman logo Sweater.

Ariel, the Little mermaid, I woke up like it.

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