Mittwoch, 25. März 2015

Nice Fashion

Hey guys! I´ve been to university the whole day and I am totally exhausted, so sorry that I don´t write much today. So I got some nice fashion items I found in the last few days for you. Thought they are a cool contrast to the last ones I posted. So have a nice evening, feel hugged. XOXO

Disney´s female villans scarf from H&M. So awsome! Me want!

Those sheer knitted sweatrs aren´t new I knew, but I thought it would be nice
to show the three types they have at H&M at the Moment.
Bold Comic stlye. Neutral and funny. Girly and cute.
I prefere the middle one of course, who couldn´t love Mickey Mouse.

Thought these tribal pattern shirts just looked great, especially with the
nice quotes on them. Think I found them at Pimkie.

Those awsome metallic temporary tattoos are from C&A. Really like them.

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