Sonntag, 8. März 2015

Crazy sky

Oh gosh, sorry guys, I forgot to post for you yesterday. It was kinda strange. My dad let me out because we had a wonderful sunny weather and I feel much better right now, so it was okay. Actually we all wanted to go together walking through the city of Hall in Tyrol and maybe get a coffee or something. Reason why I went alone in the end? The little monster was a monster again and dad stayed at home, my stepmom just went off without me. So me as ugly duckling took a little walk alone in the sun, but I got me a goodie that I wanted to have for a long time now. I got myself Tolkien´s "The little Hobbit". Normally it costs more than 10€ at Libro, but yesterday I got it for 4€ and as soon as I´m finished with my current book, I´ll devour this precious. Along the day nothing special happened. I couldn´t chat with friends, because everyone was on tour or something similar and my phone didn´t work, so I couldn´t call my friend here around to talk a bit. At some point I just fell asleep sitting on the floor in the sun. In the evening the atmosphere was kinda uncomfortable, we sat together, but had nothing to talk about and later on after I went to my room I wanted to join dad and his wife upstairs at the TV, but I didn´t feel welcome, so I went to bed as soon as the movie ended. As I said kinda strange day. But I have some more amazing nature shots for you. Hope you like them. Feel hugged. xoxo

In my last post i mentioned heaven´s gates. Well I think this one
matches the topic even better. What do you think?

I´m not sure why, but this one feels unreal for me. It was one of those evenings
when the sky seems ice cold and not so far away, but at this spot the clouds
opened up and showed some warm light effects.

I´m sure I´ve told you already about my favourite Castle Hochosterwitz.
Some days reward us then with such beautiful sunsets in colours like:
blue, violet and pink...

...or in a burning yellow, orange and red.

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