Montag, 24. August 2015

Nice things

Hey guys! I had a nice day and bought myself a new sketchbook. Mine is almost full. I enjoyed a chocolate chai tea with my BF´s mom and picked him up at his school, then we went shopping for the sketchbook and found some nice other things. So I thought you would like to see them. Hope you had a nice day too. Wish you a nice evening. Feel hugged. XOXO

Fresh bread for tomorrow.
Where we sat down (in a nice garden) to enjoy milkcoffee and tea.
My yummy chocolate chai tea. Oh it was so delicious.
I know this doesn´t look so nice, but it was even though it was raining.
Oh I was so tempted to get this make-your-own-popcorn-set, but all together was still to much for me.
Found those things at Xenos here in Bielefeld.
Oh ad they also had this owl cookie jar. Sooo cute!

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