Montag, 13. Juli 2015

Llangrannog beach (Wales)

Llangrannog lies in the narrow valley of the little River Hawen, which falls as a waterfall near the middle of the village. The earliest parts of the village (the "church village") lie above the waterfall and are hidden by a twist of the valley so that they cannot be seen from the sea. This protected them from the attention of sea marauders, the Vikings and the Irish. After the mid-eighteenth century the sea became safer and a "beach village" and small seaport developed. By 1825 Llangrannog commercial activity was largely concerned with the sea, including the shipment of coal. A number of ships were built on the sands, the largest being the "Ann Catherine" a brig of 211 tons. The most recent developments, in the 1860's, were the "ribbon village" which connected the beach and church villages and an extension of the beach village onto the southern slopes of the valley.

Oh this was the first beach they took me here in Wales. We had perfect weather, sunny, warm, bit wind. It was really nice. Sure we first took a look at the cave and I had to go into the water (sadly I forgot my bikini that day). I hope we can go there again this week as soon as the sun comes out again. By the way, this is my mermaid beach...but I have to admit, that I found two mermaid beaches ´til now.

The little cave with a great view on the beach, the water and this
adorable house on the other side. Yes, I could imagine living there.
Oh look! A mermaid on land!
Wouldn´t that be an awsome place to live?!
Around the rocks I found another little beach with less (none)
people so we sat down there.
I so wanted to take a photo like this...and so I did.
I really REALLY wanted to go swimming there.

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