Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2015

Day inside with food

Hey guys! Well as I didn´t finishd the correction of my essay yesterday I had to continue today. At first I was really upset because of this, but to be honest...we had 36 degree outside and the only place where I wanted to go was swimming. So it wasn´t so bad to stay inside my colder room with bottles of water and my damn essay. But I took the time inside to cook and make some nice sleepy breaks. So today I basically have my meals for you...I know it is not really exciting, but tomorrow you´ll get more interesting shots, promise. You see tomorrow I´ll go to the museum of Swarovski, they have a festival there and my stepmom takes us with her. It sure will be fun. So wish you a nice evening. Feel hugged. xoxo

I´ve chosen to have breakfast outside again today as long as it was not to hot.

Then I already worked on the correction,but I made myself something yummy.

During the whole afternoon I was looking for my motivation to finish
the damn correction, and now that I finally got it, my email account, won´t
let me send it to the prof.

At just an hour ago I made myself a good salat for diner.

3 Kommentare:

  1. That´s the right way: Fruits make the day nicer ᕙ( * •̀ ᗜ •́ * )ᕗ
    By the way: took me a bit, but my blog is online again, if you wanna lollygag(zeit verplempern, wirklich lustiger begriff XD) or if you have some spare time and wanna score something (/^▽^)/ I would be happy if even one would comment it (⌒▽⌒ゞ

    1. by the way: Really cool pic that with the motivation XD

    2. Haha thanks^^
      sure I´ll look it up^^
