Samstag, 2. April 2016

Wonder Woman shirt

Almost forgot! Went shopping with my lil´sis in Karlsruhe, Germany. This was a great day. We got up a bit earlier, drank a tea and chai latte and hopped on the Train. In Karlsruhe we ate Sandwiches and took the bus to Primark. I found this great shirt with the Wonder Woman logo and some other nice designs, but ended up with just getting this one. I really like it and sure gonna wear it a lot. My sis got herself a lot of batman items like shirts and shoes and so on. (Gonna show you as soon as she sends me the Pictures) After that we went to Games Stop, where she also got herself some games and I resisted to buy a Targaryen bag, further on to Saturn and Müller to get some movies and before we got back to the bus and Train we bought some donuts from Dunkin Donats. Back at her place we then went on with watching American Horror Story (great series). And here you have some nice shots of my new shirt and another cardigan I got from my lil´sis. Hope you like them too. Feel hugged. xoxo

Both are a bit loose, but I really like that!
The colours are pretty and not to bright.
And the sardigan is warmer than it seems.

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