Dienstag, 22. März 2016

Finally sunny weather

Oh and you know that for me the best weather is sunny and warm weather. Especially if you have a lot to do during a day it´s just the best to relax just five minutes in the sun and you feel motivated again. In Hamburg is one of my biggest problems, during sunny weather the subway. Told you that I don´t like, that it´s so dark and when the sun is shining you hardly get that down there at all. Anyway we had some nice hours of sunshine throughout the last week, so I really enjoyed it. Inside while making my calls, as well as outside during my trip through the city or while taking a walk to calm down again. What´s your favourite weather? Also sunshine or do you prefer to watch the rain while you snuggle up inside? Please let me know in the comments below.

Oh the living room here is great, but it is even better with the sun
shining in and lighting everything up!
You know, to just relax a bit and watch people passing by or just
staring at the plants, like I did.
In fact I just sat there for half an hour before I left for more meetings.

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