Sonntag, 27. März 2016

Favourite shots of the boat trip

Hey guys! So finally you get the last post about Hamburg with some more favourite shots I made on a boat trip. Sorry that I takes me so long again. Fact is either there is so much to do that no time is left to make good photos, or I´m so happy to have to have a day off, and just watch tv or sleep. And once more I hope to have more time in the next few weeks to give you more to enjoy again. At least you know, that there will always bee nice posts even if I´m late again. Feel hugged. XOXO

Can´t wait for summer, when you can actually go swimming again. What do you like most about warm days?
Let´s see, maybe I´ll find someone, who owns a boat.
A weekend on a boat would be nice again.
Always fond but also sad about the last sunrays before it gets dark again.
Haha not sure why I like this shot so much, but it´s nice.

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