Sonntag, 12. April 2015

Geek Store in Graz

Had to bring my BF to the trainstation today...two weeks are just to damn short. But here: We found this awsome Geek Store in Graz and I swear I would have bought just....everything there. You know what I mean right? Hope I´m not the only one freaking out in there... Enjoy. Feel hugged. xoxo

This is what ivited us in, right at the door.

As you see, they had bags, magnets, shirts, sweaters, caps and and and.
I really wanted to have a star wars themed bag.

Aaaand they had a lot of awsome shirts. If I had the money I would have bought
more than a dozen! Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Pipi Langstrumpf and more...

Here you see some sweaters and bags.

They also had a lot of awsome cups.

I so wanted to have those women power shirts.

And yes, I´d love to have a Wonder Woman shirt!

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