Dienstag, 10. November 2015

DIY Native decor stones

Whoops! It´s tuesday morning and as I am sitting in University I think by myself to take a look at my blog, to check out what would be good to post next. And as I do so I suddenly realise that I finished my post yesterday and totally forgot to upload it! I am so sorry!

Hey guys! Today I got another DIY for you. This time I wanted to give you a very fast one. And this one is just perfect whenever you need a last minute party decoration or a small gift for someone. Decoration stones like the ones I made here can be used in so many ways. Like you can ad it to a small gift or card, you can spice up any little plain spots in your home, or if you have a party, spread them next to the buffet or prepare a basket full of them and everybody can choose one as a Souvenir for this great party. Oh even if you have any big project like environmental protection or something, this can be a nice giveaway and reminder for others.
So what you need is some minutes, paint and stones (yes, that easy!)
Hope you like them. Try out and enjoy! Feel hugged. xoxo

Of course these two are my current favorite ones, but this is how
they can look like.
You need some nice stones and a colour you like together with a brush.
Still not easy enough? Take a simple silver, gold, any coloured permanent marker or similar pen.
Like that it is also great to craft it with kids!
After I got my motives I took a pencil to draw them on my stones.
Right after that I went on with this nice silver acrylic paint.
And to make it a bit more edgy and interesting I outlined my motives
with my black permanent marker and wrote this cute quote to it.
Et voilá, tu as fini! Tada, you are done!
I really like them and they look just great with my native room decor right now.
As you see I even used the big one as a coaster for my new scented candle (so yummy).
But if you want to make something special that takes a bit more time,
you can also take a bigger Stone and turn it into a welcome-stone/shield.
I´ve made this one in Germany for my Bf´s family. Love it.

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