Mittwoch, 11. November 2015

DIY Ham covered cheese sandwich

Hey guys! Well there is not much I could tell you about my day so far. Was lazy snuggling up with my new blanket, correcting my essay, watching movies and chatting with friends. But some days ago my little sister sent me a GIF (mini videoclip) how to make a cheese sandwich covered in ham. Good lord, this looked so delicious that I just had to try it and today I got the time for that. It was so yummy! You have to try it, it´s not the healthiest meal, but it is so worth it. I´m gonna make this again sometime. So if you still need an idea what to cook tomorrow for lunch? Here you go. Feel hugged. XOXO

Looks awesome, and tastes amazing!
All you need is some toast, cheese, ham and sauce (eg. BBQ).
Put your cheese on the slices of toast and ad a bit of the sauce.
Put them together and get the ham.
I just layered the stripes a bit so the toast would be all covered, put it ontop and twist round the ham-ends.
It is way easier when you have long stripes of ham, but if you are unsure, fix the thing with a toothpick.
Now you can just put in your slightly oiled pan and "tan" it.
The cheese will melt inside and mix with the sauce, when you´ve
done the part with the ham wraping well enough, the chesse will
even stay inside this "package".
And finished you are!
I´ve added some cucumber slices, because I had nothing else, but
wanted something fresh to eat my sandwich with.
Look at how nicely the cheese melted. Oh gosh! It is so good!

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