Freitag, 6. November 2015

DIY Crystal necklace pendant

Hey guys! I miss school...god no, not school as such, but the friends, the breaks in between and especially sports...oh yes, I defenitely miss sports a lot. No idea how I came to that conclusion today, but that´s not today´s topic. There were some nice plans and there was my family. Meaning, yes, we went where we planned to but I didn´t had the time to actually look at the stuff I wanted to, what was quite annoying. But that´s not today´s topic either. Today I wanted to post about another DIY for you so here we go.
I found this nice crystal between my jewelery lately and really wanted to wear it in some way. Actually wanted to give it to a goldsmith so I can wear it later on as a proper necklace pendant. But there is no money for it yet, so I looked for another way. Now I can show you, how to wear such a nice crystal around your neck without spendig a lot of time and money. Again it is super easy and I even didn´t need any glue, just a wire, scissors and the crystal. Hope you like, please show me, if you try it out. Now I wish you a wonderful evening and feel hugged. xoxo

So this it what my version looked like in the end.
What you gonna need:
your Crystal, a necklace to wear it on, a wire you like and a scissor to
cut it (I took theblack as you see), if you want the top of the Crystal
look different, you can also paint it in silver or gold
At first I twisted two pices of wire together to create the loop for
the necklace, then I held it up to the backside and wrapped the
wire tightly around the crystal (as tight as you can, so you won´t
need any glue). At last I seamed the ends so they won´t get caught
on my shirt and damage the material (you can ad some hot glue there,
if you want to be sure).
And tadaaa now you can put your yrystal on a necklace and wear it.
Super easy, fast and chep.
I´ve decided to wear it with a leather strap, because I thought it
looked nicer and it matches better with my style right now.
See what I mean? Really like to wear it now!

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