Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015


Hey guys! I had to get up quite early today, because I had an appointment and no car again. So I got a ticket, music and got on the train. Even the sun came out a bit. In Villach I also met an old friend from school and went a bit shopping (without buying more than two pairs of  socks). We talked a lot and I went to my grandma´s place, because I have to wait here until my dad picks me up for the weekend. Hopefully. I found some nice things again, that I will show you in the next few days. Wish you  beautiful evening. Feel hugged. xoxo

The trainstation in Althofen, Carinthia. As you see I got blessed with sun.

And yes, there weren´t many people, so I just danced around to keep warm.

I wanted to show you these earcuffs/earrings I found at
Claire´s Has any of you tried them before?

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