Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

Sailor post

Hey you! I hope not to be the only one who has different phases throughout the year...and I don´t think of christmas, easter and halloween right now. No, more like those "I love this movie, I want to live in it!" "I also want to be a superhero!" "I still want to be a mermaid/sailor!". Okay I am aware that boys have different phases. But I am twisted right now. I totally fell into my DMAX/survival phase again and I can´t get one picture out of my head with me as a mermaid. So I made a litte sailor post for you today. These pictures are mostly from Pinterest, so if you like them take a look. Hope you do. Feel hugged. xoxo

5 Kommentare:

  1. So more sailor or more mermaid? :D

    1. Well I´ve decided that I´m gonna dress up as a mermaid and my Sebastian has to get himself into a sailor´s costume and as soon as we get to the ocean we are so gonna have a photoshoot with that! XD

      I´d like to say a mermaid in the water and a sailor on land^^

  2. Antworten
    1. yep^^ let´s see maybe we can ask Mario for help ;)

  3. Omg XD now I m feeling like a proud mother l, who s running around telling everyone her Boy has a camera, but she doesnt know he only can turn it on XD

    But yeah would be nice :)
