Montag, 16. Februar 2015

Blue mood

Hey guys! What a weird day. Sorry I know, I´m  posting very late again and I actually planned to do it earlier. Anyway, I was still tired from the weekend so I spent half of my day with sleeping...first in my bed then on the couch after a small improvised breakfast. I finished a lunch meal from the fridge and spent the afternoon with the well known fight against my essay. In the evening my aunt picked me up, because I had to babysit my youngest cousin today to. We watched a monster high movie and played Barbie...quite weird for me but she had fun, so it was kinda okay. Now ate something unhealthy, because I couldn´t find something else and finally write my post for you.
During the whole day I had this feeling to just get away into the blue, if you know what I mean. And thinking of that I wanted to make a blue photo themed post for you now. Hope you like it.
Feel hugged. xoxo

My navy blue sweater/jacket I got from Forever18
last year or something. It is really cozy and warm.

I found those awsome coloured orchids at the supermarket and I sad not to
have a green thumb otherwise I would have taken them with me.
Actually I don´t like pink, but here it was just so intensive and great. 

You know me, I love everything that´s themed by
fish, ocean, sailors, mermaids and stuff like that.
So I am really fond of this tableware from Butlers.

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