Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2015

Zugspitze mountain

The Zugspitze is 2,962 m above sea level, the highest mountain of Germany together with the Wetterstein mountains in the eastern alps. Zugspitze is located southwest of Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria and in the north of Tyrol. We got up there one or two years ago very early to enjoy the sunrise with some others. Of cause we took the chance to also enjoy breakfast there. Wanted to show you this, because I thought it is great possibility for a family trip during winter time. Hope you like the photos I took up there, because I sure do. Feel hugged. xoxo

Finally the sun came out and started to warm us again.
Some others wanted to have it with even more adventure and hiked
up the mountains nearby.
And you know me...I really liked how the fog hung down there in the valleys.
Well the atmosphere was great as the sun came out!

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