Mittwoch, 31. August 2016

Villacher Kirchtag

Those who follow me for a while now, know about this big festival in Austria. The Villacher Kirchtag, when you go for funny rides, drink together with friends, buy stuff you don´t really need, dress traditional, watch the parade and go for a bowl of this special soup, you only get at this time of the year in Villach (well it tastes the best during Kirchtag). This year I was asked to take some nice photos of the traditional and historical guard, the Villacher Bürgergarde. They needed them for their homepage and I wanted to share my favorites with you. Hope you like them.

Their uniform.

The guards walking in straight lines.

Their rifles and hats.

The guys near the ferris wheel.

During the small breaks.

Near the platform of the rostrum, they had to wait a little longer in the sun.

And that´s how it looks like when the action is on.

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