Samstag, 21. Mai 2016

Floded "Miami Beach"

For a few days my BF came to visit me, he actually surprised me with that and of cause this made me really happy. We cooked together, watched some "Face Off", went to the city center and went for a walk on "Miami Beach", wich I saw floded for the first time. It was really amazing and I love to walk along beaches anyway, especially with him, we even had some sunny weather, eventhough the wind was pretty fresh and cold. However I made some nice photos there, that need to be shared with you guys. Enjoy and feel hugged.

As ships came by, the water rose even higher.
We also came across this beautiful old school ship...really like that.
You see usually you are able to walk on this small path on the left and still look at some stones and beach beneath you.
Don´t really know why I took this photo, but it kinda caught me.
See? No Walking on the trak today, it was all wet and shiny...and beautiful to look at.
But we still passed the cafe here, like I always do.
And you know I have to take pictures of waves again and again...sorry.
But I really like the colourplay of brown, white, blue and green here.
No matter of the wind, we weren´t the only ones talking a walk here.
And with the sun breaking through the wind was not that bad.
As we got back on the boat to head back to the harbour the sun
just looked amazing with the upcoming clouds again.
Look at this! So beautiful!

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