Dienstag, 22. März 2016

Walk in the woods

Hey guys! As you know I promised you an update, but lazyness ruled over the weekend, so you had to wait a bit longer. Sorry for that. But now I have a calm hour to show you the rest of my taken photos from Hamburg. Some of you know, that sport is rather important for me. Swimming, jogging, training at home and so on. Here I started to take a look at all the possibilities to go on with this behavior. For that I got shown this forrest area, which is just wonderful I had to share it with you. So hope you like it to. As soon as it gets warmer I´ll go running there a lot. Feel hugged. xoxo

There is also an area for wild deer in the middle of this calm area. Really beautiful.
When you are quite enough you even can get really close.
Oh and the trees are astonishing. The bottoms are almost grey and
the tops get more and more intensivly green.
Well there are also some left old areas with broken fences.
Oh see this ivy? Some of the trees are literally covered with it.
That just looks awesome!
I know, this is really blurry, but somehow I like it anyway.
Next to the deer area. Kinda magical, right?

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