Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016

Tobogganing on a sled

Hey guys! Yesterday we went tobogganing with the new sleds. Gosh I haven´t done that for ages. Last time I had been small and young enough so my dad could drag me up a hill on the Gerlitze (mountain) with the sled...meaning was like six years old or something like that. You see ages ago. Anyway everyone of us had a sled to drive alone. Let me tell you it was really fun. Today my body aches horribly but it was so worth it. The route is about 5km long and has some sharp turns where I sometimes lost control and fell, but never got hurt much. Even my little brother raced down the track like crazy....alone as a five year old boy. Amazing. We also ate some lunch up the mountain in the station restaurant, but had to leave as the track became to icy and it got very hard to steer the sled. Back home we snacked a bit, drank some tea and took a rest before reading together and playing with the little one. As you was really nice yesterday. Feel hugged xoxo
It was a bit cramped in the car, but luckily I don´t need much space.
Here are the new sleds, a small one for my brother and another big
one so dad and my stepmom had one each. I got the old third one,
that was very hard to steer, but it was fun anyway.
Right half an hour after I took that photo it also started to snow.

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