Sonntag, 13. September 2015

Water Lilies and Lace

Hey guys! Well we went on a typical family birthday lunch...not mine no, for a young lady from another side of the family. It was really delicious and we got invited what was quite nice too. After that we took a short trip to the Ossiach lake, but sadly it was already to cold for me to go swimming so I just took some nice photos for you. Hope you like them. Wish you a nice evening and sweet dreams. Feel hugged. XOXO

Oh the water lililes there were so pretty in white an lith pink/rosé.
And I had the courage to wear one of my new outfit combinations.
White lace dress, light beige knitted jacket, my brown fall shoes
and the new backbag. I felt really good by the way.
Oh I so wanted to go swimming, really!
But as I told the end I just sat there and enjoyed the view.
Just would have been nice to make some waternymph shots or something...maybe next time.
Still glad that it was warm enough to wear this combo.
Uh...our lunch at "Jedermann" in Villach, Carinthia, Austria.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Your outfit looks really good, can i See it live?

    1. Oh you might get the chance during october (if I find a matching thights)^^
