Samstag, 8. August 2015

Nice things

Hey guys! I have also been a bit shopping in the last few days. Yes, I especially looked for nice things for you and I found some! I really hope you like some of them and hopefully I find some motivation to show you all the new things I´ve got and bought. Gotta know, my new things are just least I think they are awsome. Whatever hope you like some of things I found.

Coca Cola bag from Thalia.
Coca Cola stuff for upcoming schoolstart, Thalia also.
And more yes, I know, also Thalia. I just really like Coke...
By the way I have this metal pencilcase on the right.
Just thought that those binder clips would actually be a nice idea
for closing little gift bags or something similar.
I normally don´t go to the store "pimkie" but they had some so nice
knitted sweater I wanted to try on. Didn´t buy one, but I found this
in the cabin and just thought that this is adorable. What do you think?
Oh look at that? Feel like traveling? I do...and Nanu Nana has some great things to stay in mood!
And if you are looking for vintage stuff for your home, take a look at Nanu Nana once more.
I got myself some autumn shoes, not those beauties sadly, but I am
in love with mine. Those are from Pimkie also and I think they are great.

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