Freitag, 10. April 2015

Back again!!!

So guys I am so so so so sorry! The last two weeks were just so exciting and stressing, that I had no time to write for you. But I made some nice photos to show you. As an excuse you get a huge post with a lot of photos. I hope you like and enjoy them. Feel hugged! XOXO

How some of our easter nests looked like.
We had a lot of colourful wonderful spring flowers!

Look what I got, so cute and yummy.

We also were in Graz, Styria. A really nice City!

The Uhrturm (Clocktower) in Graz.

We also visited the Zeughaus, wehre you find the biggest weapon collection in
Europe. We were really fond of this. Four floors full of old weapons.

And armors in different styles.

I really need to go there again one day.

We also strolled through old mine shafts.

And took a look from above over the City.

After our city tour we also went to a museum of old austrian farmhouses.
Totally worth it (exept for the permanently changing weather)

There were so many nice places.

And I could really imagine living in some of those houses.

So this was my first update for you. Hope you liked it.
You´ll get more tomorrow.
Have a nice evening!

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