Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2015

A lazy shopping day

Okay it is official...I am really strange and I hope not to be the only one. I instantly hope not to be the only one! Well I drove through the city today to get some things for my sick grandma and saw the snow everywhere, freezing my hands off, even in the car. Now that christmas and new years eve are over I am kinda...well hating this cold time of the year again. No, don´t get me wrong, I love to wear sweaters, drinking tea and hot chocolate and as long as I am inside with a fluffy blanket and a nice movie, everything is fine. But today I already longed for spring, for flowers. birds, more sun, longer days damn it. I don´t like it getting dark that early. On the other hand I saw a snowman named "Carl" today, so that was pretty awsome too. So maybe some of you understand what I´m trying in my own chaotic way. Winter was awsome ´til now, but I can´t wait to get the warm seasons back as soon as possible. So I went shopping today (without buying anything, what was kinda strange too...) And I found especially three things I wanted to share with you.
So hope you had a wonderful day. Feel hugged. xoxo

I still think I´m gonna get myself this sweatshirt in navy blue with those
cute litte light rose printed sharks from H&M. And yes I wanted to show
how much I miss the more-sun-seasons.

For the pink ladies I found these items.
A really cute sweatshirt with the minion class on it at New Yorker.
Some beautiful real orchids and this cute white bird cage from Depot.

Yes, this is what the sunset looked like today and I´m not sure why, but
I paired this view with the cute sticky notes I found at Depot.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Aaaah, you have sun? v.v.
    here in berlin it´s still cloudy m(__)"m

    1. Yes we have some sunny phases and I am so glad that we have. By now I think I just function good on nice weather^^"
      But wish best luck, that the sun also finds Berlin in the next days
      And hey, what do you think of the Sweatshirts?
