Samstag, 1. November 2014

All Saints

Well you know this feeling, when you have been up way to long last night, because it was halloween and recognize in the morning you have a little brother with healty lungs and vocal cords, yelling "MOMMY!" through the whole house, knowing you are still asleep? Yes, you do? Well I feel with you and know your pain!
Still we had quite a nice day, we went to the zoo, had a yummy lunch and almost calm hours bevore my stepmoms family showed up bit by bit for All-Saints-Dinner down at grandma´s. Wow, I´m telling you, women from Tyrol have a voice...don´t try argueing when they show up in packs =)
Anyway the dinner was great and now we hope to control the chaos we have here a bit before we follow the calls of our beds. (what sometimes really sounds similar to my brother, if you know what I mean)

I wanted to draw something nice the
other day, because I was so happy and
dancing everywhere, so I hope you like it.

I found this clothing sign on pj-trousers
and just had to smile, maybe you feel the same.

Haven´t drawn a cam for a long time, but
it´s something! What´s up with Nici and Dave
I´ll show you another time, but they just
made my day once, you´ll understand why.

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