Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

Eschwege in Germany

I hate Mondays! Yes, I know this is relatively common. School starts, you go back to work or like in my case to university. If everything started on Tuesday, everybody would concentrate their hate on this, I´m sure of it. But we hate Monday. Monday sucks. Again I had not enough sleep and still don’t really deal with the way people treat me here, but well it is not for eternity. Don´t forget that. School or whatever won´t last forever and you get off all those negative stuff. Always think of that. You are a wonderful person, beautiful and unique, no matter what others say!

You know I went to Germany for the weekend and of course I made some pictures for you. You have already seen some shopping items but I want to show you some sights of the city itself. It is not much, but U just love these fachwerk-houses, always feel wicked when I pass by. If I would live in one of these houses I guess I would transform myself to a witch every autumn.

As planned I´ll go swimming and a bit shopping today to get among people again. Hope your day started better than mine and >I wish you just the best, a lot of sun and fun and a happy time!

This is what the sky looked like as we came to Germany on friday.

The Hamingway pub on the side of the market place.
I just loooooove these houses.

Of course I had to buy halloween sweets there as I saw them.

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